Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Homophobia Alive and Well

Uganda, Uganda, Uganda.... just a few days ago PHG was so happy with you for the progress you made to put an end to FGM. Now look at you:

The proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009 currently being reviewed in Uganda carries with it serious legal consequences for anyone in favor of the freedom to choose who you schtup.

The bill includes jail sentences for consensual gay sex and even a life sentence to people in same-sex marriages! Luckily some of the more drastic measures of the bill (execution) have been removed, but the proposal is still a serious threat to homosexuals and their supporters.

Much like during the Nazi rule of Germany, the bill encourages people to turn in their fellow citizens, as it would jail anyone who does not report "gay activity" to police within 24 hours. Aside from the threat to citizens of Uganda, the country would also withdraw from any international treaties or protocols that recognize or support gay rights.

Secratary of State, Hilary Clinton has publicly lambasted the Anti-gay bill, calling it a "very serious potential violation of human rights."

Though homosexuality has been illegal in Uganda for over 100 years, this bill has the potential to shape the future of the country as it takes a much more definitive stance on the issue of gay rights. Though the majority of the country appears to back the bill, it is incredibly difficult for Ugandans to speak out against criminalizing homosexuality. Those who try to support homosexuals - or even advocate HIV/AIDS treatment and awareness - are persecuted as harshly as those who engage in gay sex or relationships.

David Bahati, author of the bill, voices the country's severe stance on homosexuality and so-called "sympathizers."

"Anybody who does not believe that homosexuality is a crime is a sympathizer," says Bahati. "Providing literature, writing books about it, standing up and saying it is OK — you should be arrested. Even if you are not in the act, you should be arrested. Anybody who tries to promote it should be arrested."

 Well, Bahati, get out your hand cuffs while you can... because PHG thinks you're a bigoted a--hole who's goin' down! Though it's taking longer than many would like, this kind of narrow-minded, cowardly thinking is not the future.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vagina Win

The Ugandan parliament recently passed a bill unanimously banning all forms of female genital mutilation (clit high-fives all around). The law brings a ten year jail sentence to convicted offenders and a life sentence if the girl dies as a result of the practice.
                                                                                                                                A COMPLETE VAGINA IS A HAPPY ONE
FGM - seen most often in African and Asian nations that consider it a traditional rite - has long been a controversial subject. While it is a cultural tradition in many nations, the frequently gruesome procedure typically involves removing the clitoris and all or parts of the labia and sometimes sewing the vaginal opening shut. FGM carries with it severe health risks including infections, infertility and death and is still performed on girls 4 to 15 years old in many countries. Often a girl's first sexual experience will be extremely painful and traumatic as the sewn labia have to be re-cut prior to intercourse and sexual stimulation is difficult or impossible to achieve.

While Uganda and other nations are taking steps to limit instances of FGM, it is still prevalent in many African and Asian countries. According to the United Nations, some communities have begun the practice of "lesser cuts" where fewer parts of the genitals are removed.

Unless they plan on limiting these procedures to a snip of a newborn's clitoral hood with sterile instruments (like male circumcision) then PHG's got nothin to say to them.

To learn more about FGM visit the World Health Organization.

A Rerun of Dallas and a Pint of Ice Cream

Jezebel recently posted this hilarious video from the 80s which claims to give useful advice to women looking to meet men:

Okay, lesson recap:
1. Don't be a b*** ... He doesn't need that!
2. Men love it when you talk about small stuffed animals
3. Your mother may have taught you that it's rude to stare....well she's a fucking liar!
4. Purposely spilling your drink on a man to get his number does not make you seem crazy....or desperate
5. Stop talking so much and just nod along with whatever he says..
6. If a man uses the f-word ("feel") start faking an orgasm immediately.

Now get out there and tap that shy-man goldmine!