Friday, April 17, 2009

A girl and her dogs

Lorraine Chittock is my hero. She travels around South America in a '78 Chevy with her two dogs writing about her adventures and her four-legged friends. Check out her blog about her travels and her two books On a Mission from Dog and Cairo Cats. Her bio (she's lived in Kenya, the US, South America and more) is enough to inspire even the most intrepid travelers.
She recently wrote of her journeys:
"Going solo [as a female] is no where as risky as you might think. It FEELS that way initially, but really it is not. Trust."

Fuck yeah!
Girls everywhere need to hear this, after all the bullshit that fills little girls heads about the dangers of the world and how vulnerable they are, it's great to see a woman who's not afraid to go it alone (with a little guidance from Dog).

Lorrainne was recently joined by her boyfriend and his dog... hey, after five-plus years of solo travel even a pro needs a little lovin ;) Besides, it's important to remember that women can still be independent even if they aren't alone.