Friday, February 13, 2009

Smart Girls at the Party

Amy Poehler's online series, which launched on On Network in November 2009 is changing the way young girls are portrayed in the media. The show is unique in that it praises everyday, ordinary girls "changing the world by being themselves."

Now if this catch phrase is too vomit inducing for you, just remember that girls (at least ones who do not conform to social gender norms) are not frequently encouraged to be themselves. Or, if they are, it is not often considered something worthy of positive attention.

Poehler (assisted by producer Meredith Walker and music coordinator Amy Miles) interviews girls in those troublesome pre-teen years who have a special talent, viewpoint or community interest. Their passions range from writing to gardening to rock music to simply being a good sister. Yet each one is made to feel special, important, and serious. Though the show has a light, silly tone to it, the adult women never mock the girls or laugh at them. There is a strong sense that all the women on set are laughing together and that the girls being interviewed are just as legitimate as the adults.

As Poehler says in a bonus interview clip "when you're that age things are pretty serious. You don't think what you do is a joke. You don't think that the stuff going on in your head is funny. It's real."

The concept of community and acceptance among women is hard to come by these days. Poehler and her crew give their guests and their audience a place where being a girl (whether your definition of girlhood is Barbies or electric guitar) means having a sense of sisterhood and being accepted and praised by your fellow femmes.

Weekend Treat

Esquire's Hot Pink Handgun Cocktail:

Personally, Pink Hand Gun isn't crazy about egg in her drink, but she appreciates the shout out.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dear Dating a Banker Anonymous,

DABA, DABA, DABA.... what's a grrl to say to you? You've gained fame, been praised, mocked and even been labeled a fraud, all within the last month. You're more volatile than that pesky stock market. But I guess what I really want to say is this.... you hurt my feelings.
True, much of what's been said about you cannot be denied -- you're vapid, shallow, deceitful and embarrassing. But that didn't stop me from wanting to be friends. You made me laugh, whether out of comaradery, disgust or shame, I'm not quite sure. There was something about you -- a silliness, an openness, a lack of fear that you'd be labeled. You didn't seem to care what people thought, you were gonna say what was on your mind and make it okay for others to say it too. Though I didn't agree with you I appreciated your bravery to speak your mind and be who you were. Even if it was all a scam - it was a successful, intelligent one. And that gave you some points in my book.

The point is, DABA, I liked you. That is until you uttered those unforgivable words: "DABA is a safe place where women can come together – free from the scrutiny of feminists–"

Who? Moi? Surely you can't mean it? Oh, but you did. And I'm sorry to say our friendship ended then and there. I was counting you in as one of my card carrying bitches when all along you were just another flunky who avoids the F-word like she would a man who makes less than six figures. For shame, DABA. Where is your pride, your sense of sisterhood? Where is the person who was supposed to teach you that Feminists are not your enemy? You who claimed that what really irked you was the fact that your "FBF" could no longer afford to hang with his successful girlfriend. You don't believe that women and men are equals? Maybe you never looked up Feminist in the dictionary. Maybe you've never owned a dictionary. Your boyfriend wouldn't buy you one perhaps?

I'm sorry DABA, it's just hurt feelings talking. You made me feel like that skinny, pale girl with glasses and puffy black hair who doesn't get asked to stand with the popular blondies at recess (of course none of you are blond, but you could be if you wanted to). You could do anything -- you were in the NY Times for fuck's sake. So you go on and make that book deal - it'll be Candace Bushnell meets The Hills. And a part of me hopes it all turns out to have been a scam put on by savvy (still a bit shallow) women who know deep down that being a feminist ain't so bad.

Pink Hand Gun

What is Pink Hand Gun?

This site is intended to provide information, inspire discussion, and allow commentary on gender norms, roles, and issues relevant today. It is in no way anti-male (male view points are very welcome) nor is it supportive of violent acts or solutions. The symbol of the pink handgun is merely meant as a means of expressing the contrast between how males and females are categorized in today's society and what happens when citizens attempt to overlap those categories or to step outside of them entirely.

Please leave feedback, opinions, suggestions, or links and enjoy your daily dose of gender revolution.